Crucial Growth Stages When Vegetables Absolutely Need Water

Vegetables go through stages when they are at their most sensitive to water for good growth and development. Find out what they are.

Lots of rain or water helps a cabbage plant form the cabbage head.

Vegetables go through stages when they are at their most sensitive to water for good growth and development. When your veggies are in this phase of growth, be sure to water. Always water thoroughly so that the water soaks in deeply and encourages the roots to follow.

Beans Flowering until harvest
Cucumbers Flowering until harvest
Eggplant Flowering until harvest
Peppers Flowering until harvest
Sweet peas Flowering until harvest
Tomatoes Flowering until harvest
Melons Flowering until a few days before harvest
Broccoli Heading
Cabbage Heading (which is just about all the time)
Cauliflower Heading
Lettuce All stages
Spinach All stages
Onion Bulb enlargement
Sweet Potatoes Potato enlargement
Cabbages need ample water to form heads, which they start doing as young plants.
Cabbages need ample water to form heads, which they start doing as young plants.