Local Roots: Meet Your Growers!

With 72 growing stations across 42 states serving 1,600+ Lowe’s locations, Bonnie Plants travel a short distance from our farm to your home. Show some local love to the growers in your area nurturing your favorite blooms.

Sales Regional Managers

  • Photo of Tyler McCullough, Regional Manager for the South. South My favorite thing to grow is our herbs. I love the smell and walking through an herb garden – not to mention it acts as stress relief and repels mosquitos.
  • Photo of Wesley Edge, Regional Manager for the Northeast. North Every year, at some point I find time to connect with our customers at our displays in the garden centers. Their story about what they love, their wins and opportunities with gardening and why they choose Bonnie every year. Even a 20+ year Bonnie veteran like me can learn so much from a simple conversation at the plant rack!
  • Photo of Manny Plata, Regional Manager for the West. West My favorite plants to grow are herbs and peppers, specifically cooking herbs (oregano, thyme, rosemary) and hot peppers (Thai pepper, serrano, habanero).

Find Your Local Grower

    • Bo H


      Union Springs has 47 structures that are listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is also known as the Field Trial Capital of the World.

    • Michael P


      One of the structures on the property is over 200 years old. It's said that a Spanish monk lived in it and rode is burro every day a mile down to the road to the Pala Mission Church which still is used today.

    • Stephanie K


      Two farms total almost 60 acres and a 26K Warehouse.

    • Cory W


      We have lots of important customers -- including the President! One of the services we supply is on Pennsylvania Ave -- just down the street from the White House.

    100+ Years of Growing Together

    • Historical photo of Bonnie and Livingston Paulk arriving in Union Springs, Alabama in 1918, planting cabbages in the backyard.

      Bonnie is Born

      Bonnie and Livingston Paulk arrive in Union Springs, Alabama in 1918. They plant cabbages in the backyard and sell the bounty in town by buggy. Voila! Bonnie Plants is born — named by Livingston after his beloved wife.

    • Historical photo of the first greenhouses erected by Bonnie Plants in 1936, along with the introduction of the first delivery truck.

      Bonnie Grows

      By 1936, Bonnie erects the first of many greenhouses. As the business grows, the team introduces its first delivery truck, the first Bonnie-exclusive tomato, and begins selling potted plants.

    • Photo showcasing modern Bonnie Plants, now available in all 50 states and Canada, with nearly 300 varieties plus organics.

      Bonnie Thrives

      Today, Bonnie Plants are available in 49 states and Canada, offering nearly 300 varieties plus organics. And with 70+ growing stations across the country, we strive to ensure your plants come from close to home!