Garden Fundamentals
How to Choose Your Garden Type
Debating whether to plant an in-ground, raised bed, or container garden? We’ve outlined the pros and cons to help you choose the best garden type for you.
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Garden Fundamentals
How to Choose Your Garden Type
Debating whether to plant an in-ground, raised bed, or container garden? We’ve outlined the pros and cons to help you choose the best garden type for you.
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Garden Fundamentals
Square Foot Gardening
Square foot gardening is exactly what the name says: dividing a growing area into 1-foot x 1-foot sections. In a true square foot garden, an actual grid is placed on the growing area to divide up the space. What you grow in each section depends on the mature size of the crop.
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Garden Fundamentals
Choosing a Garden Bed Shape
In addition to figuring out just where in your yard your garden should go, you'll want to consider the shapes of the planting beds. You can either prep the soil and plant directly in the ground, or construct a raised bed from wood, stone, metal, brick, or even straw bales.
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Garden Fundamentals
Growing Tomatoes: 9 Ways to Grow Tomatoes in Your Garden
Tasty and terrific, tomatoes offer garden magic at its best, transforming yellow blossoms into juicy fruits. But perhaps the most amazing thing about tomatoes is their adaptability. These yummy gems grow and thrive in a host of ways, from classic in-ground beds to quirky upside-down planters. Let us help you discover which of these ways to grow tomatoes is best for you.
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Garden Fundamentals
Raised Bed Gardening Tips
What is a raised bed garden? It’s an enclosed planting area on top of the ground that offers one huge benefit: You never have to deal with poor soil, because you control what goes in the bed. What's more, because raised beds don't require planting in rows, you'll actually be able to fit more plants in than you would in a traditional garden of the same size — so you'll eventually end up with a bigger harvest.
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