Asparagus demands its own bed in the garden because it lives for years. Once the plants are established, the bed will produce every year for 15 years or more. Plant asparagus seedlings in early spring. Our containers typically have several seedlings that you will need to gently tease apart to plant at the proper spacing. Apply a thick layer of mulch at planting time and always pay close attention to weed control, as asparagus hates any competitor. Avoid using straw mulch because of the seed that it often carries (wheat, rye, or other grain that it comes from). Although an asparagus bed rewards you for years, you'll need patience to wait on the first harvest, which doesn't come until the second spring. The first spring that you plant, leave the plants alone to grow into tall ferns (4-5 feet high). This builds strong roots that send out the asparagus shoots the next spring. Even though the asparagus harvest comes in spring, remember to mulch, water, and weed the bed throughout the growing season to ensure an even better crop next year. Asparagus is high in vitamins C and K.