Is there anything more satisfying and delicious than growing your own food? From the first tender tips of asparagus in spring to the tasty tang of summer's homegrown tomatoes, a garden filled with beautiful, productive plants provides a terrific sense of accomplishment—and fabulous, fresh meals. In order to grow such an amazing harvest, though, it's important to figure out the best vegetable garden layout for your space and the plants you want to grow. Here's how to do it.
D.I.Y. Trellis
A trellis can be a great structure for keeping climbing vegetables like peas, pole beans, and cucumbers off the ground. It also can be a head-turning addition to your garden landscape. One of the easiest trellises to create is one with a teepee-style frame. To build it, you only need four 6-foot bamboo stakes and either garden twine or a few long zip-ties.
- First, mix 3 inches of Nature's Care® Organic Garden Soil into the top 6 inches of the existing soil in the area in which you want to plant. This will improve the quality of the soil by adding organic matter to provide nutrition to your plants.
- To put the trellis together, anchor one end of each stake in the ground in a circle and bring the other ends together. Secure the gathered ends with garden twine or zip-ties to form a teepee.
- Plant young plants around the base of each stake. To get the most out of the structure, guide your plants as they grow, loosely tying vines to the stakes with garden twine when needed.
- After a month, begin to feed your plants with Nature's Care® Natural All-Purpose Water Soluble Plant Food, to keep them supplied with nutrients. Follow the directions on the label for best results.
Now, watch your plants climb to new heights — literally.