Select a Good Site

When beginning a garden, choose your location carefully. A good location will include sunlight, drainage, and access to water. Read on for how to pick your spot.

A good site for a vegetable garden will have plenty of sun, water, and well draining soil.

Plant a garden where you can provide these things.

Provide FULL SUN for best growth and flavor. Six hours is minimum, but ten is better. Plants depend on sunshine to develop sugars for sweetness and other elements of flavor.

The soil must have GOOD DRAINAGE. Wet soil means rotting plants. If you need to, build a raised bed.

There must be a source of WATER close by. Make sure that you can get water to your garden daily, if needed. A drip or soaker hose is ideal because it keeps the foliage dry, which helps prevent disease.

Whether your garden is large or small, vegetables need a site with full sun, good drainage, and water.
Whether your garden is large or small, vegetables need a site with full sun, good drainage, and water.