Turnip Greens

Use our zone-based planting guide to know when to plant turnip greens.

Plant name Zone Start seeds indoors Start seeds outdoors Plant seedlings/transplants outdoors Plant spacing # plants per person
Turnip greens 3a Not recommended April 15-May 1; Late August-October April 15-May 1; Late August-October 6 inches 5-10
Turnip greens 3b Not recommended April 15-May 1; Late August-October April 15-May 1; Late August-October 6 inches 5-10
Turnip greens 4a Not recommended April 15-May 1; Late August-October April 15-May 1; Late August-October 6 inches 5-10
Turnip greens 4b Not recommended April 15-May 1; Late August-October April 15-May 1; Late August-October 6 inches 5-10
Turnip greens 5a Not recommended March 15-April 1; Late August-October March 15-April 1; Late August-October 6 inches 5-10
Turnip greens 5b Not recommended March 15-April 1; Late August-October March 15-April 1; Late August-October 6 inches 5-10
Turnip greens 6a Not recommended March 15-April 1; Late August-October March 15-April 1; Late August-October 6 inches 5-10
Turnip greens 6b Not recommended March 15-April 1; Late August-October March 15-April 1; Late August-October 6 inches 5-10
Turnip greens 7a Not recommended March 15-April 1; Late August-October March 15-April 1; Late August-October 6 inches 5-10
Turnip greens 7b Not recommended March 15-April 1; Late August-October March 15-April 1; Late August-October 6 inches 5-10
Turnip greens 8a Not recommended Feb. 15- March 1; Late August-October Feb. 15- March 1; Late August-October 6 inches 5-10
Turnip greens 8b Not recommended Feb. 15- March 1; Late August-October Feb. 15- March 1; Late August-October 6 inches 5-10
Turnip greens 9a Not recommended Throughout the fall and winter Throughout the fall and winter 6 inches 5-10
Turnip greens 9b Not recommended Throughout the fall and winter Throughout the fall and winter 6 inches 5-10
Turnip greens 10a Not recommended Throughout the fall and winter Throughout the fall and winter 6 inches 5-10
Turnip greens 10b Not recommended Throughout the fall and winter Throughout the fall and winter 6 inches 5-10
Turnip greens 11a Not recommended Throughout the fall and winter Throughout the fall and winter 6 inches 5-10
Turnip greens 11b Not recommended Throughout the fall and winter Throughout the fall and winter 6 inches 5-10

*Starting your own turnip greens indoors is not recommended due to difficulties with transplanting. Plant outdoors in early spring as soon as soil can be worked, or again in the late summer through fall.

* I was following the info from the Bonnie Plants website here, which doesn't give as much specifics.